I have been horrible about updating this particular blog lately, although for fairly good reasoning. I am attending SIGCSE Technical Symposium 2022 at the beginning of March. While overall fun, useful, and certainly beneficial, a secondary benefit is that I am part of an affiliated event that meets the day before the conference starts. The Committee on Computer Science Education in Liberal Arts Colleges is hosting an event – and the ListServ for that group is my primary recruitment medium to solicit participants for my study.
It was a bit of (well a lot of) extra work, but I decided that if I could obtain IRB Approval prior to the conference, that would facilitate being able to discuss it with other attendees, point them to the study signup, and at least begin to start collecting the information of potentially interested parties. That required doing an edit to my chapter 1 to resolve some issues and finishing up drafting my chapter 3 (methods), sending the proposal to my dissertation chair, and receiving approval to submit to IRB, in addition to finishing up all of the material needed for the IRB submission. (Recruitment materials etc.) I have updated the study webpage, but I am happy to say that submitted it to IRB this week and quickly gained approval to conduct the study!
Now… on to actually conducting the study!