Study: How Cybersecurity has been integrated into Liberal Arts Technology Programs
Below you will see a list of the primary interview questions. Note, follow-up or probing questions will also be asked to help expand on any answers provided by participants. The list of questions is being made available to allow insight into the content of the interview and have the topic in mind before the interview. There is no expectation of prepared responses as the interview is of a semi-structured nature.
Interview Questions:
1) What type of Cybersecurity program do you have? (Major, minor, neither)
2) What is the basis of your Cybersecurity curricula or concepts? (ACM/IEEE, ABET, Industry cert, other)
3) What is/are the Instructors of Record Cybersecurity qualifications? (Masters, Ph.D., certificate, none.)
4) Is Cybersecurity taught to general computer science students?
5) Do you feel that Cybersecurity should be taught as stand-alone courses or embedded within general computer science courses?
6) Is Cybersecurity taught outside of your technology program?
7) How long have the program or Cybersecurity courses been around?
8) Is the program where you want it to be? (Stage of development)
9) How do you feel about contracting out new Cybersecurity courses?
10) What is the process to change published curricula (course catalog) at your institution?